Community Mourns the Passing of Jackline Kyomuhendo in Nyakagyeme, Rukungiri district.
Rukungiri: Aston Ampeire, a journalist in Entebbe, and Lusia Mpirirwe, a teacher at Nyakyibare Parents Nursery and Primary School, have on October 16, 2024 paid tribute to their late mother, Jackline Kyomuhendo, at her burial in Mailo Cell, Kahoko Parish, Nyakagyeme Subcounty, Rukungiri District.
They expressed gratitude for her dedication as a parent, noting that she single-handedly provided for their education without any outside help.
According to the children, Kyomuhendo had been struggling with a throat condition that made it difficult for her to eat. Initially, several health facilities were unable to diagnose her illness, which was only identified when it was already too late.
Pastor Geoffrey Rwakyimire of Kahoko Full Gospel Church, in his sermon, reminded the congregation that death is inevitable for all. However, he encouraged believers to have faith in Jesus Christ, assuring them that those who trust in Him will attain eternal life in the Kingdom of God, as it is only the body and spirit that part ways.
The area parish councilor, Johnson Barugahare, and the LC1 Chairperson of Mailo Cell, Kaproni Kwirigira, urged the community to prioritize educating their children as the greatest legacy parents can leave behind. They also called on mourners to take inspiration from the example set by the late Kyomuhendo.
Kyomuhendo’s brother, Mwebesa Wallen, described her as a kind-hearted individual who always shared whatever she had with others.
Born on February 19, 1972, Jackline Kyomuhendo passed away at the age of 52, leaving behind two children a son and a daughter plus a grand child.
Tags: Countryradio, Rukungiri