Police Nets 13 Tobacco smokers in Kabale

Home » Police Nets 13 Tobacco smokers in Kabale

July 1, 2024    By Country Radio   

Police Nets 13 Tobacco smokers in Kabale

Kabale District Police have arrested 13 suspects on accusations of smoking in public, an a practice that contravenes the Tobacco Control Act 2015.

The suspects, whose names have been kept anonymous, were arrested on Thursday and Friday night in an anti public smoking operation conducted by the police, officials from the tobacco control department in the Ministry of Health, and health inspectors from Kabale district.

The Kabale District Health Officer, Dr. Gilbert Arinaitwe Mateeka told Country Radio that the joint operations were launched in response to the increasing number of complaints and reports regarding public smoking in various areas of Kabale district and across the country.

Dr. Mateeka added that the Ministry of Health has been actively involved in creating awareness about the dangers of smoking and the need to adhere to the Tobacco Control Act. However, these efforts have not been sufficient to deter individuals from engaging in this dengerous habit.

Dr. Mateeka revealed that the arrested will face legal consequences for their actions, as outlined in the Tobacco Control Act. He added that this will serve as a warning to others who continue to disregard the law and engage in public smoking.

President Yoweri Museveni assented to the Tobacco Control Act In September 2015, which puts stringent measures aimed at protecting non-smokers from the consequences of tobacco use and exposure.

The Act stipulates imprisonment for a term not less than a year or a fine of 420,000 shillings, or both, for violators.

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