I cannot commission shoddy work-Says RDC Nsubuga.
Rukungiri: The Rukungiri Resident District Commissioner, Steven Bewayo Nsubuga has refused to commission two class room blocks at Bugarama primary school located in Nyakisheny sub-county, Rukungiri district citing shoddy work.
The contract for the construction of the classroom blocks valued at 70 million shillings was awarded to kyatoko technical and supplies limited by the district authorities.
However when RDC Nsubuga went to commission the classroom blocks which were said to be complete and ready for use, it was established that the quality of work was substandard.
According to the RDC, the floors of the newly constructed classroom blocks had developed cracks. This prompted him to suspend their commissioning and tasked the contractor to reconstruct the floor and finish it before the first term begins.
Nsubunga also cautioned all government project contractors to always ensure quality at work.
Clare Musimeta Kerondonia, the secretary for social services in the Rukungiri district council revealed that as the district leaders, they cannot tolerate any substandard work in the government projects.
Meanwhile the Kyatoko techinical and supplies limited director Kabangira Joseph accepted that the quality of work produced by his company didn’t match with the required standard and promised to
re-construct the ground floor as directed by the RDC.
Tags: Countryradio, RDC Nsubuga, Rukungiri