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Rubanda Parish Chief Returns Money he illegally acquired from PDM beneficiaries.

July 6, 2024    By Country Radio

Rubanda: The parish chief of Kagunga Parish in Bufundi sub-county, Rubanda West constituency Bazaragye Theodore, , has returned the 3.5 million shillings he had collected from Parish Development Model beneficiaries after intervention by Eric Ssewandigi, the Rubanda acting Resident District Commissioner (RDC). According RDC Ssewandigi, Bazaragye had collected Shs 600,000... Read More

Ntungamo district passes UShs 76.134 billion budget.

May 29, 2024    By Country Radio

Ntungamo: Ntungamo district council on Tuesday May 28, 2024 passed a Ushs 76.134 billion budget for the financial year 2024/2025. The District chairperson Mr Samuel Mucunguzi Rwakigoba while addressing the district council noted that whereas the budget figures were improving and increasing every day, the reducing local revenue collection was... Read More

I cannot commission shoddy work-Says RDC Nsubuga.

January 31, 2024    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: The Rukungiri Resident District Commissioner, Steven Bewayo Nsubuga has refused to commission two class room blocks at Bugarama primary school located in Nyakisheny sub-county, Rukungiri district citing shoddy work. The contract for the construction of the classroom blocks valued at 70 million shillings was awarded to kyatoko technical and supplies limited by... Read More

Stakeholders Condemn persistent power outages in Kabale, threaten to demonstrate.

November 16, 2023    By Country Radio

Stakeholders in Kabale District on wednesday grilled UMEME officials over erratic power supply in the area. During a meeting held at Kabale Regional referral Hospital intern hostels hall chaired by the Kabale Resident District Commissioner, Godfrey Nyakahuma Canon Engineer Ivan Mbabazi Batuma, the Chairman of the Kigezi Tourism Cluster, and... Read More

First Lady Kataha Museveni castigates corruption among leaders.

October 19, 2023    By Country Radio

Ntungamo: The minister of Education and sports Janet Kataha Museveni has condemned leaders who are impeding Uganda’s development by stealing government resources that are always disbursed to develop the citizens. Mrs. Museveni who is also the first lady was speaking at the PDM Monitoring, Evaluation and implementation function held in Mahega village,... Read More

Increasing fuel prices alarm Rukungiri transport operators

September 6, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: Transport operators in Rukungiri municipality have raised concern over the increasing fuel prices in Uganda. Over the past few days, some fuel stations have raised their prices in increments ranging from Shs80 to Shs300, resulting in a marginal increase in pump prices above the Shs 5,000 mark. Although some... Read More

Return our money or face jail, Youth livelihood funds beneficiaries cautioned.

August 23, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: The beneficiaries of Youth livelihood programme have been urged to pay back the funds if they are to avoid surcharges during the recovery process. The caution was yesterday given by the Rukungiri district Youth livelihood program focal person Harrison Mukuru while speaking to our reporter in his office at... Read More