Tag Archive: Rubanda

Rubanda Parish Chief Returns Money he illegally acquired from PDM beneficiaries.

July 6, 2024    By Country Radio

Rubanda: The parish chief of Kagunga Parish in Bufundi sub-county, Rubanda West constituency Bazaragye Theodore, , has returned the 3.5 million shillings he had collected from Parish Development Model beneficiaries after intervention by Eric Ssewandigi, the Rubanda acting Resident District Commissioner (RDC). According RDC Ssewandigi, Bazaragye had collected Shs 600,000... Read More

Poor Road Network irks Residents in Rubanda

October 9, 2023    By Country Radio

Rubanda: Residents along the Ruhonmwa-Kabadama-Nyamazizi road are expressing frustration with the Rubanda district authorities, accusing them of delaying to repair the road damaged by floods at the end of August this year. The discontent came on sunday in Kigarama village, Ruhonwa parish, during the distribution of mattresses among members of... Read More

Bishop Akanjuna confirms 186 into Anglican faith.

September 6, 2023    By Country Radio

Rubanda: The Bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi, the Rt Rev Gaddie Akanjuna on Tuesday Confirmed 186 Confirmants into Anglican faith during a service at St. Mark Kagyera Church of Uganda Parish in Kacerere Archdeaconry, Bufundi Sub County in Rubanda West County Rubanda District. In his sermon, Bishop Akanjuna encouraged... Read More