Emeritus Bishop Dr. Gasatura urges men to aften attend conferences.

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February 19, 2024    By Country Radio    30 Views   

Emeritus Bishop Dr. Gasatura urges men to aften attend conferences.

Ntungamo: Men have been urged to participate in conferences if they are to live a purposeful life.

The call was made on Sunday 18th Febuary 2024 by Emeritus Bishop Dr. Nathan Gasatura during the closure of a four-day men’s conference that was held at Satellite hotel Rwahi, in Rwahi- Rwentobo town council, Rushenyi County, Ntungamo district.

Emeritus Bishop Gasatura noted that men turned up in big numbers which shows that they felt comfortable to speak up about their private life to fellow men.

He challenged the church to open, co-operate, relate and interact with such groups of men who go back to their churches.

The conference host, Rev Dr Medard Birungibyayesu of world shine ministries said that the men’s conference was intended to influence men, raise and release them. 

He appealed to the church to support the boy child and the man because the church and government have been promoting women and would like manliness to be restored.

Rev Birungibyayesu commended the government of Uganda for empowering women but wants it to come out and support men through involving them in political, education and economic affairs which he says brings about equity in families and the country at large.

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