Bishop Asiimwe Condemns Adulterous priests.

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October 19, 2023    By Country Radio    33 Views   

Bishop Asiimwe Condemns Adulterous priests.

Rukungiri: The Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese, Rt. Rev. Onesmus Asiimwe has asked Christians to get saved wholly, offering both, their soul, spirit and body unto God.

He was preaching on Wenesday at St. Peter’s Rubanga Church of Uganda parish in Buyanja Sub county, Rukungiri district where he confirmed 89 people into the Anglican faith.

Bishop Asiimwe wondered how a Christian most especially a priest, can get saved and keep in adultery, adding that such priests should cut their collars into pieces and go home.

Meanwhile, Bishop Asiimwe earlier on Tuesday while preaching at Rwakirungura COU parish in Buyanja Town Council, castigated people who are against prayers of healing and deliverance.

The Rwakirungura COU parish head of laity, Eric Sabbiti asked the 200 newly confirmed Christians to avoid being taken away by every preaching, but to keep rooted in Jesus Christ, as they also work for him.

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