Bishop Twinomujuni roots for spiritual thanksgiving

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October 9, 2023    By Country Radio    69 Views   

Bishop Twinomujuni roots for spiritual thanksgiving

Rukungiri: The Bishop of West Ankole Diocese, Rt. Rev. Johnson Twinomujuni is rooting for a spirit of thanksgiving to God by all Christians, irrespective of the circumstances they pass through.

Bishop Twinomujuni says both those who have passed through difficult situations and those who have not, must thank God. He also advises couples to be thankful to each other. The man of God further advises children to thank their parents for whatever they do for them, in order for harmony to exist in families.

Bishop Ahimbisibwe was on Sunday preaching to Christians of Yakobo Orikwera Buhandagazi C.O.U Buhandagazi Parish, in Buyanja Sub County, Rukungiri district, during a baptism and thanksgiving service for Esau Kabandize, an employee of Ebbo Sacco.

Esau Kabandize and his wife Audrey told their guests that they got their two children after five years of marriage, even in difficult moments.

Former woman member of parliament for Rukungiri district, Betty Bamukwasa Muzanira urged parents to educate their children, since most of the achievements in this world come as a result of having money.

Muzanira also called for co-operation among in-laws in homes in the district, for family development to shoot up.

A total of 5,606,100 shillings was collected at the thanksgiving service which was led by Dean Kinyasano Cathedral, Rev. Can Eric Beingana, assisted by Buhandazi COU parish priest, Rev. Syson Gumisiriza.

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