Tag Archive: Buhandagazi

Desist from adultery- Bishop Asiimwe tells religious leaders

October 11, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: The Bishop of North Kigezi diocese Rt Rev Onesmus Asiimwe has condemned the habbit of adultery among some clergy men. Bishop Asiimwe was on Wednesday preaching at Yakobo Orikwera Buhandagazi COU parish, in Nyabitete archdeaconry, Buyanja sub-county, Rukungiri district.  In his message derived from the gospel of St. John... Read More

Bishop Twinomujuni roots for spiritual thanksgiving

October 9, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: The Bishop of West Ankole Diocese, Rt. Rev. Johnson Twinomujuni is rooting for a spirit of thanksgiving to God by all Christians, irrespective of the circumstances they pass through. Bishop Twinomujuni says both those who have passed through difficult situations and those who have not, must thank God. He... Read More

Property worth millions lost as property catches fire in Buhandagazi.

August 30, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri:Property worth millions has been burnt to ashes in Buhandagazi cell, Nyabiteete parish, Buyanja Sub-county Rukungiri district leaving area residents in great shock. The fire that started at around 01:00pm on Wednesday 30th August 2023 is said to have originated from the garden of one the residents only identified as... Read More