Arch Bishop Beinomugisha impressed by increasing number of Youths in the church.

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March 11, 2024    By Country Radio    24 Views   

Arch Bishop Beinomugisha impressed by increasing number of Youths in the church.

Ntungamo: TheArch bishop of Mbarara catholic arch diocese the Most Rev Fr Lambert Beinomigisha has expressed pleasure over increasing number of youths and priests in the Catholic Church arguing that this shows that there would be continuity of the church even after the current generation.

Preaching before a mass to confirm Christians at Sacred heart Ntungamo town catholic parish on Sunday 10th March 2024, the prelate said some churches are grappling with numbers especially those in western world with some archdioceses having less than 200 Christians while others have less than five priests.

He said the Christians presented for confirmation and those brought to churches for baptism showed that many people are still willing to be Christians which brings more hope to the church.

The sacred Heart parish priest Rev Fr JohnBosco Tumusiime said the church was blessed to have the archbishop visit there for the first time since becoming archbishop. He said Christians at the parish are now more concerned with economic development inspired by government and collaborating with other religious institutions.

418 Catholics mainly school children were confirmed during the mass.

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