You used home advantange to defeat Us-Aunt Jackie tells Kasana football Ultras.

Home » You used home advantange to defeat Us-Aunt Jackie tells Kasana football Ultras.

September 2, 2024    By Country Radio    31 Views   

You used home advantange to defeat Us-Aunt Jackie tells Kasana football Ultras.

Ntungamo: Country Radio FC on Sunday September 1, 2024 suffered a 1-0 defeat in a friendly football match with Kasana FC .

The thrilling game was held at Kasana Playground in Rugarama North sub-county, Ntungamo District.

While the first half ended in a goalless draw, the hosts, Kasana FC came back rejuvenated and secored the only goal in the second half that gave them victory.

Speaking shortly after the match, Jackline Tumuheirwe alias Aunt Jackie, the Station Manager of Country Radio, said that Kasana FC used the home advantage to bag all the three points.

She however expressed gratitude to the people of Kasana and greater Rugarama for turning up in big numbers to show love and support to Country Radio staff.

Tumuheirwe noted that doing and watching physical exercises contributes to a person’s longer lifespan as it was scientifically proven by health professionals that regular exercising prevents non-communicable diseases like high blood pressure.

The manager further highlighted that holding such matches helps in identifying and nurturing talents from different areas.

Kenneth Tayebwa Kitakuzi, who represented the guest of honor Fedeli Mubangizi, the Rushenyi County hopeful, encouraged youths to engage in positive activities like sports rather than indulging in harmful vices such as drug abuse and betting.

At the same event, Ivan Amanya Rwanyakibaare, the LCIII Chairperson of Rugarama North, described Country Radio as one of the best stations and urged the public to continue listening to its educational and informative programs.

Meanwhile, a section of radio listeners including Fabith Niwonyesiga, Kobusigye Jasenta and Kembabazi Fionah (New Country Radio agent in Kasana) could not withhold their joy over hosting Country Radio staff in their area. 

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