We don’t buy support in MK movement-says Kibuka

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November 22, 2023    By Country Radio    14 Views   

We don’t buy support in MK movement-says Kibuka

Rukungiri: The MK Movement chairman for Kigezi sub-region Ambrose Kibuka has attributed the current poor service delivery in the country to commercialization of politics.

Kibuka was speaking during the mobilization campaign under MK movement camp at Bugangari sub county headquarters in Rukungiri district on Tuesday.

Kibuka asked voters to desist from asking money from politicians stating that once leaders attain offices after investing huge sums of money in elections, they have to pay themselves first.

His call came after some of the members at the gathering asked for money from the MK movement team leaders. 

In response, Kibuka said the MK movement does not buy support and requested people to join the group voluntarily.

Meanwhile, Isaac Turyahabwe who retired from the Uganda people’s defence forces (UPDF) joined MK movement and stated that the current government has failed his attempts to be reinstated on the veterans payroll. 

He revealed that he has written several times to the security minister Jim Muhwezi seeking redress but has for long been ignored. 

This he said has forced him into joining the MK movement with hopes of getting justice. 

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