Stop changing schools for your good-Students, parents advised.

Home » Stop changing schools for your good-Students, parents advised.

February 19, 2024    By Country Radio    42 Views   

Stop changing schools for your good-Students, parents advised.

Parents have been asked not to move their children from schools where they would have achieved better results at O,level to take them to first world schools to avoid culture crush that may lead them to failing exams at the next level.

The appeal was made by the Rwentobo secondary school head-teacher Vincent Mubangizi Barugahare during the luncheon held for the former students at the school premises after a successful 2023 O’level examinations performance at the school.

He said many students who move from rural schools to the so called good schools after performing better, normally fail to catch up and end up performing poorer than the ones they left at their previous schools.

The school owned by the Cavendish University Vice chancellor Prof John Mugisha Katekyeza announced full school fees waiver for candidates who scored between Agg 8 and 20 at the school and half bursaries for those who scored first grades and a flat 450,000 fees for old students.

Mr katekyeza said the arrangement is meant to reduce pressure of school fees on parents after their students performed better.

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