Rwakabengo residents irked by a stinky mortuary.

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August 22, 2023    By Country Radio    15 Views   

Rwakabengo residents irked by a stinky mortuary.

Rukungiri: Residents of Rwakabengo A cell, Kanyinya ward, southern division Rukungiri Municipality have expressed concern over the stinky mortuary at Rwakabengo health centre III.

Residents say medics at the health facility delay to pick the dead bodies from the mortuary and they end up producing a stinking smell that spreads over to the surrounding areas.

Speaking to our reporter, Kato Felix Rwaheru a resident of the same area said, dead bodies from different corners of the district are dumped at Rwakabengo health centre III mortuary and are not treated. 

Benard Mukuumi the chairperson of Nshure cell, Kanyinya ward Southern Division Rukungiri Municipality said that there is a need to have Fridges in the mortuary where dead bodies should be kept.

He also tasked the government to buy land that will work as a cemetary where they can bury bodies that fail to get claimants. 

The chairperson LCIII Southern Division, Rukungiri Municipality Ngabirano Denis stated that residents have been visiting his office over the same matter, threatening to demolish the mortuary if no action is taken to reverse the situation.