Minister Muhwezi welcomes Over 300 Voters from FDC to ruling NRM.

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July 18, 2024    By Country Radio    44 Views   

Minister Muhwezi welcomes Over 300 Voters from FDC to ruling NRM.

Rukungiri: Over 300 individuals from various parishes in Nyakagyeme sub-county, Rukungiri district, have crossed from the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party to the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM).

Those who defected include local council leaders and respected community figures.

They were welcomed on Wednesday July 17, 2024 by the Security Minister Rtd Maj Gen Jim Muhwezi Katugugu who is also the Member of Parliament for Rujumbura constituency.

During the event held at Masya Primary School playground in Nyakagyeme sub-county, Minister Muhwezi emphasized unity within the NRM party and encouraged new members to recruit more supporters.

He said opposition parties like FDC and NUP are currently plagued by internal discord, referencing major departures like that of Kiiza Besigye from his political party that he (minister) says belongs to Najjanankumbi and the stained relationship between Bobi Wine and former Opposition leader Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba.

The ceremony featured symbolic gestures of loyalty, with new party members handing over their FDC party cards to Minister Muhwezi and donning NRM yellow t-shirts.

Those who defected including Tumuhimbise Charles, a retired headteacher, Mugunya Henry from Kohoko parish, and Turinawe Nelson, vice chairperson of the youths for Rwerere town council told our reporter that they saw no progression in other parties.

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