Lyantonde leadership wages war against child labour.
Lyantonde: Parents and bar attendants in Lyantonde district have been called upon to desist from giving away and employing children respectively at a very young age.
The call was made on Friday by the Lyantonde town council probation officer Paul Ssekandi during the course of an operation agaisnt child labour.
Ssekandi threatened to imprison whowever is found employing a child below the consent age. In Uganda, the consent age currently stands at 18 years.
One of the bar managers only identified as Mugabe accused the parents of fuelling child labour since they are the ones that send their kids to go and look for money at a young age.
He said children have no right to reject what the parent has decided.
One of the parents who didn’t want her name to be mentioned said that the problem originates from parents finding it difficult to fend for their children. She says this forces them to get jobs for their children so that they can survive.
During the operation, many chilren were found working as bar attendants and others selling matoke.
Tags: Countryradio, Lyantonde, Rukungiri, Uganda