Fr. Ndyomugabe tips christians on accountability in the new year 2024

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December 28, 2023    By Country Radio    40 Views   

Fr. Ndyomugabe tips christians on accountability in the new year 2024

Rukungiri:Rev. Farther Baltazali Ndyomugabe the assistant parish priest of Nyakibale parish has tasked Christians to develop the spirit of accountability as we enter into the new year 2024.

Fr Ndyomugabe was preaching on boxing day (26th December 2023) at the thanks giving mass of Leticia Bakeihahoki and family at Rwenanura catholic church in Rwenanura cell, Nyabiteete parish in Buyanja sub county Rukungiri district.

The purpose of Bakeihahoki’s thanks giving function was to raise funds for the completion of the catechist’s house.

Fr. Ndyomugabe urged Christians to atleast keep one animal in their homes.

He further asked them to always pray for the sick and their own families to have peace.

Cue in…Fr Ndyomugabe RR…

He also cautioned parents to be aware of the rampant human trafficking cases in west African countries and advised them to take care of their children who are recklessly running after money and not valuing their lives.

Cue in…Fr Ndyomugabe RR…

Leticia Bakeihahoki on her part told Christians that after surviving a deadly accident with four other relatives, she developed an idea of supporting God’s work.

She also revealed that she felt concerned of a Catechist’s house and decided to stand on faith and start it’s construction even when she had nothing.

Cue in…Leticia RR…

A total of 3,700,000 shillings was collected in cash at the function. 

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