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Rukungiri District Boss Urges Farmers to go for Value addition.

July 26, 2024    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: The Rukungiri district LCV Chairperson Geoffrey Kyomukama has encouraged farmers to add value to their crops to increase their earnings. In an interview with our reporter at the Tree Growers and Timber Traders of Rukungiri offices, located in Kagongo Ward, Western Division of Rukungiri Municipality, Kyomukama on Thursday July... Read More

Water Crisis hits Ryakarimira T/C

July 3, 2024    By Country Radio

Kabale: Ryakarimira Town Council in Kabale District is facing severe water shortage, despite being located near Lake Bunyonyi.  This was revealed on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, during a piggery project distribution event to locals from Kacerere ward, Hamuhambo ward all in Ryakarimira town council and Musamba parish in Rubaya sub-county... Read More

Rain wreaks havoc in Rugongi, Rukungiri.

May 31, 2024    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: Locals in Rugongi cell, Rwentondo ward, eastern Division, Rukungiri municipality are counting losses after a heavy downpour characterised by a storm wreacked havoc in their area. During an interview with our reporter, one of the affected farmers who is also the Rugongi cell chairperson, Denis Muhumuza disclosed that their... Read More

Rising coffee prices give Ntungamo farmers hope.

April 21, 2024    By Country Radio

Farmers in Ntungamo district are counting blessings following rising coffee prices as they believe the prices will go a notch higher to have their needs met. Organized under their Umbrella “Ntungamo coffee growers’ cooperative union”, the farmers believe the rise of coffee prices this season will certainly lead them to... Read More

FMD Out break Confirmed in Kebisoni T/C.

March 28, 2024    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: Authorities in Kebisoni Town council have confirmed the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease-FMD. Godfrey Asiimwe, the Kebisoni Town Council veterinary officer said that the disease was registered in Kakinga cell, Central division, Kebisoni Town counci, Rukungiri district. Asiimwe who spoke to Country Radio on Wednesday March 27th 2024... Read More

Kazo registers Anthrax outbreak, institutes animal quarantine

January 21, 2024    By Country Radio

Kazo:Authorities in Kazo District have confirmed an outbreak of Anthrax in Mirama village, Kazo sub-county. This has raised concerns, particularly among those reliant on selling animals and animal products for their livelihoods. John Baptist Asiimwe, the district production officer, revealed that out of the seven samples sent to Entebbe for... Read More

Rukungiri farmers to receive apple seedlings from NAADs

October 10, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: About 1000 Rukungiri farmers are to receive apple seedlings from the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS). This is indicated in the call – off order that was issued on 5th October 2023. According to the call – off order, there are 14,000 apple seedlings that will be distributed to... Read More

Nursery tea bed operators call for tea policy.

September 19, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: Tea Nursery Bed Operators have requested the Government to have a tea policy that will ensure high quality of tea and its products. The call was made by the Chairman of Kigezi Region Tea Nursery Bed Operators Frank Byaruhanga in his keynote speech during the meeting of South-Kigezi-Ankole Tea Nursery... Read More

Gov’t ready to support Cocoa and coffee farmers in Rukungiri.

September 14, 2023    By Country Radio

Rukungiri: The government of Uganda is set to support commercial farmers who are interested in growing coffee and cocoa. This was revealed by the Principal Agricultural Officer Rukungiri district, Pius Onek Kwesiga, while interacting with our reporter in his office at the district headquarters recently. Coffee and Cocoa growing project is... Read More